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Лоян, Yangtse WG6100BE № 1062
  ЛоянYangtse WG6100BE № 1062  —  маршрут 102

Автор: SK5115GP-1 · Шанхай           Дата: 8 августа 2020 г., суббота

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Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 05.12.2023 18:46 MSK
Просмотров — 222

Подробная информация

Лоян, Yangtse WG6100BE № 1062

Депо/Парк:Luoyangshi Public Transportation Group Ltd., Co
Госномер:豫C N3527
Модель:Yangtse WG6100BE
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется
Примечание:Charging-only trolleybus

• autonoumous course
• air-conditioner

• Nameplate (incorrect) model: WGD61U

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:NIKON D750
Время съёмки:08.08.2020 12:54
Выдержка:1/60 с
Диафрагменное число:8
Чувствительность ISO:100
Фокусное расстояние:100 мм
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Комментарии · 4

11.12.2023 20:05 MSK
BJD-WG120N2 · Шэньчжэнь
Фото: 8
The trolley pole hook is similar to the hooks equipped on ZK5105Cs in Wuhan?
(However, Yangtse trolleybuses in Wuhan are not equipped with automatic hooks…)
+1 / –0
13.12.2023 20:03 MSK
SK5115GP-1 · Шанхай
Фото: 63
引用 (BJD-WG120N2, 12.12.2023):
> The trolley pole hook is similar to the hooks equipped on ZK5105Cs in Wuhan?
> (However, Yangtse trolleybuses in Wuhan are not equipped with automatic hooks…)

This is the final order that Wuhan didn't ask for. Wuhan can also achieve automatic lifting rods
+1 / –0
14.12.2023 18:13 MSK
BJD-WG120N2 · Шэньчжэнь
Фото: 8
But for the Yangtse WG6124BEVHs in Wuhan, when the poles are lowered, there are no hooks to lock the trolley poles in place. So the poles are shaking while the bus is running…
Dual-source/IMC buses have retractable trolley poles, but many of them are not equipped with pole hooks. When the air pressure in the cylinder is gone (e.g. the bus is turned off), the poles can't be lowered because of the springs are pushing them up. But for the buses with pole hooks, the hooks can keep the poles lowered even when the air pressure is gone.
(Trolley poles are raised by the springs, and the air cylinders are used to push them down)
+1 / –0
14.12.2023 18:19 MSK
BJD-WG120N2 · Шэньчжэнь
Фото: 8
引用 (BJD-WG120N2, 12.12.2023):
> The trolley pole hook is similar to the hooks equipped on ZK5105Cs in Wuhan?

I mean that "\Δ/" shaped thing at the back of the bus
+0 / –0

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