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Цзинань — Схемы
Scheme of the contact network of trolleybuses in Jinan.

Схема КС троллейбуса.

Автор: jiachen · Сидней           Дата: Июнь 2023 г.


Лицензия: BY-SA
Опубликовано 08.07.2023 21:40 MSK
Просмотров — 364

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08.07.2023 21:40 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 418 · Перевод сайта (CN)
Jinan - the second largest trolleybus network in China by both number of vehicles and number of routes. The system was significantly expanded under a BRT project with funding from the Asian Development (note, 4th batch of LCK5120A not purchased with ADB funding) from 2019 to 2022, from 4 routes to over 15 routes in 2022; 100 trolleybuses on balance in 2016 to 430.

The original idea of a trolleybus BRT was drafted in 2006, when the eastern section of the second ring road was being constructed. At that time, the proposal was rejected by the city planning committee. Another proposal in 2012 also failed. Eventually, in 2016, what would turn into the current project was created, and tendering for the expansion started in 2019. The plan was later modified, reducing the proposed trolleybu BRT corridors by about half, to achieve a 'balance' between the city landscape. Unlike some other Chinese cities, the BRT system is designed to complement the metro, and not be replaced by it.

Two types of trolleybuses were bought for the trolleybus BRT, the 12 metre LCK5120A (in 4 batches) and the 18 metre LCK5180A (in 2 batches). Both models have large batteries for autonoumous course. The 3rd and 4th batches of the LCK5120A updated the design from the "Fashion" design dating to the older LCK6123GEV to a new N12 design, also updating the batteries to feature over 160 km of autonoumous course with the air-conditioner running, from 60 km on the first batch. This allows for routes like B84, with only 7.5 km on wires and 19 km on battery power.

Note that this map does not contain routes operated with trolleybuses but without using the contact network at all (K9, K46, B165, B237) or routes that only use trolleybuses at certain times (BRT-5, B218). However, it has been hinted that there will be route changes to K9, K46 and B165 to allow use of contact network on sections where it exists.
+6 / –0
09.07.2023 02:50 MSK
Мистер Гуй · Москва
Фото: 168
This is great work!
+1 / –0

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