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Будапешт — Схемы
Schéma linek budapeštského metra, platné k 4.8.2021.
Linka M1 tzv. malé metro nebo v originálu Millenniumi Földalatti Vasút je nejstarší na kontinentu a její provoz byl zahájen již roku 1896. Linka M2 zase roku 1970 zahájila ve městě provoz moderní podzemní dráhy sovětského střihu. Linka M3 v současnosti prochází generální rekosntrukcí, kdy úsek v centru města je zcela vyloučený a pokrytý náhradní dopravou. Linka M4 je nejmladší a provoz souprav je zcela automatický a probíhá bez strojvůdců.

Scheme of metro in Budapest, valid at 4.8.2021.
The M1 line, the so-called small metro or originally Millennium Földalatti Vasút, is the oldest on the continent and its operation began in 1896. In 1970, the M2 line started operating a modern Soviet-style underground railway in the city. The M3 line is currently undergoing a general reconstruction, where the section in the city center is completely excluded and provided with alternative transport. The M4 line is the youngest and the operation of the sets is completely automatic and takes place without drivers.

Zdroj / Source: BKK

Прислал 9TrL194 · Пльзень           Дата: 4 августа 2021 г., среда


Лицензия: Mark
Опубликовано 05.12.2021 07:41 MSK
Просмотров — 552

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Комментарии · 3

05.12.2021 22:35 MSK
Фото: 1
То есть, на М3 работают поезда на участках Надьварад тер - Кёбанья-Кишпешт и Лехел тер - Уйпешт Кёзпонт? или через участок Надьварад тер - Лехел тер есть транзитное движение?
+0 / –0
12.12.2021 09:29 MSK
9TrL194 · Пльзень
Фото: 283
Yes, exactly. The closed part is now under complete reconstruction. Between Lehel tér & Nagyvárad tér is special M3 bus line in operation. For better traffic coverage of the city center, some trolleybus lines are also extended - No. 73M from the final stop Arany János utca to Deák Ferenc tér, line 72M along the route of line 83 to Orczy tér.
See this scheme:
+0 / –0
30.04.2024 02:15 MSK
Балаж · Будапешт
Фото: 78
In different stages of the reconstruction, the two sections were totally cut apart for some time and the siding tracks on the northern section were appointed as a temporary depot with extra reserve trainsets and depot maintenance personnel allocated to there. But most of the time at least one track out of the two was used provisionally, freed up for few hours a day to let the trains reach the depot at the southern terminus.
+1 / –0

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