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Анджу — Троллейбусные линии и инфраструктура
Namhung Youth Chemical Complex
The one-way trolleybus loop line near the chemical complex.
Despite this segment of the network being closed for many years, the poles still stand, at least in most places.

Односторонняя кольцевая троллейбусная линия около химзавода.
Не смотря на то, что данный участок сети был закрыт уже несколько лет, столбы поддержки КС во многих местах всё ещё стоят.


Прислал jiachen · Сидней           Дата: 2006 г. (примерно)

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Лицензия: Mark
Опубликовано 28.02.2021 23:27 MSK
Просмотров — 1753

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28.02.2021 23:49 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17938 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Again, a truly unique find. The first photo of the segment of the network to the chemical plant. The length of this line was 22 km (one way), which included the 1,5 km-long bridge over the river. The length of the one-way loop itself was 11 km.

The entire Anju network, including the western segment to Sinanju was 33 km (one-way).

See my map of the entire Anju interurban trolleybus network here:

Thanks for the latest find from jiachen on chronology of the network, it looks like we have the following timeline on the Anju network:

Appx. 1987 - The Anju - Chemical Plant 22 km-long segment opens.
24.08.1993 - The Anju - Sinanju 11 km-long segment opens.
Appx. 2000 - The Anju - Chemical Plant segment closes.
Mid 2010s - Operation on remaining Anju - Sinanju ceases.

It looks like the remaining Anju - Sinanju 14 km-long segment (including the Anju city loop) nowadays remains mothballed. The line to the Chemical plant is dismantled since the early 2000s.

• • •

Снова уникальная находка. Первое фото участка сети на химзавод. Длина этой линии составляла 22 км (в одну сторону). Линия в т.ч. шла через мост протяженностью 1,5 км. через реку. Длина одностороннего кольцевого участка составляла 11 км.

Вся сеть Анджу, включая западный сегмент до Синанджу, составляла 33 км (в одну сторону) в длину.

См. мою карту всей междугородной троллейбусной сети Анджу здесь:

Благодаря последней находке пользователя jiachen по хронологии сети, похоже, у нас получается след. картина по развитию троллейбусной сети в Анджу:

Прибл. 1987 - Открытие участка Анджу - Химический завод протяженностью 22 км.
24.08.1993 - Открытие участка Анджу - Синанджу протяженностью 11 км.
Прибл. 2000 - Закрытие участка Анджу - Химический завод.
Середина 2010-х - Движение на оставшемся участке Анджу - Синанджу преостановливается.

Похоже, что оставшийся 14-километровый участок Анджу - Синанджу (включая городскую петлю в Анджу) в настоящее время остается законсервированным. Линия к Химическому заводу демонтирована ещё в начале 2000-х годов.
+4 / –0
08.03.2021 12:29 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)
On the latest satellite imagery, three trolleybuses have been moved to near the south wall of the depot from the north, three other vehicles that were within the depot have been moved, one or two seemed to have disappeared.
However, there is one vehicle with a dirty/brown roof on the northern side of the loop around the city park, and a few vehicles near Sinanju station, though these are most likely buses
+1 / –0
08.03.2021 16:05 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17938 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Цитата (jiachen, 08.03.2021):
> On the latest satellite imagery, three trolleybuses have been moved to near the south wall of the depot from the north, three other vehicles that were within the depot have been moved, one or two seemed to have disappeared.
> However, there is one vehicle with a dirty/brown roof on the northern side of the loop around the city park

Interesting, it looks like Google updated the satellite view earlier for Chinese users, but not in the US. From the States I cannot see these changes, and the latest available view is still from 02/2020. There are 6 trolleybuses parked near the northern wall of the depot. Waiting for an update for a better view )

> and a few vehicles near Sinanju station, though these are most likely buses

The only segment of the line that is still under question is between the Sinanju Station and this loop:

So far I never saw a single piece of evidence that overhead exists on this segment, and trolleybuses actually go to the railroad station itself.

There is clearly a bus depot north of the station, but it is not designed for trolleybuses and only holds vehicles that are 10 meter long or shorter, thus not trolleybuses.
+1 / –0
09.03.2021 00:10 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)
Quote (Yury LRTA, 08.03.2021):
> cannot see these changes

sorry, I didn't use google earth, I used, its not very clear but they do always purchase close to the latest imagery, it is not dated but is clearly after the 2/2020 google imagery.
In fact, there is one much cleaner roof in the trolleybus depot.

In other cities, Sariwon has updated on google earth, two ikarus articulated trolleybuses are on the line.
+1 / –0
17.04.2021 04:28 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)
Loop around the city park was demolished between 2000 and 2006, these photos infront of the building on the south east corner show supporting wires that were removed during those years. (2 photos)

Anju also suffered a devastating flood in 2012.
It would appear buses had already started replacing the trolleybus there.
+0 / –0

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