TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Комментарии к фотографиям из города Будапешт


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M. N. · Котбус · 13.05.2024 21:42 MSK
Фото: 22745 · Локальный редактор — Котбус
Hello Mr. Holmes,
If you would like to use the image privately, I can make it available to you.

Greetings Martin
+0 / –0
Сергей Савчук · Барселона · 12.05.2024 21:03 MSK
Фото: 1
Цитата (KALITA, 12.05.2024):
> Показалось по превью, будто этот вагон где-то в Саратове или в похожих городах.
Будапешт, в некоторых местах, смахивает на Саратов, не сомневайтесь. Я жил в районе Уйбуда Кёзпойнт, так там те же советские пятиэтажки, тополя, пыль на тротуарах, и дерево после грозы неделю лежало на проезжей части. Впечатление, как в город детства попал!
+1 / –0
KALITA · Москва · 12.05.2024 20:19 MSK
Фото: 1417 · Фотомодератор / Локальный редактор — Красногорск
Показалось по превью, будто этот вагон где-то в Саратове или в похожих городах.
+4 / –0
Leyland pd2 · 12.05.2024 17:32 MSK
Нет фотографий
Good afternoon

Just returned from Budapest, brilliant trams and spent plenty of time riding around the city.

Are any of these photos available for purchase?

Regards Stephen Holmes
+0 / –0
Michal Isakov · Прага · 12.05.2024 16:51 MSK
Фото: 2890 · Администратор / Локальный редактор — Словакия, Чехия
Цитата (no-night, 12.05.2024):
> also the rejection reasons of phozos should deserve translations, it's not always obvious, what the English versions supposed to mean...

We are preparing a big FAQ including this topic with examples, but it takes time.
+1 / –0
no-night · Будапешт · 12.05.2024 12:46 MSK
Фото: 7610 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Веминген, Мальмчёпинг, Скйолденсхолм / Перевод сайта (HU/DE)
Idézet (Michal Isakov, 12.05.2024):
> But you have a point, it could be changed to some kind of flag/label that is translated to all website languages.

Agree! "Uncommon" rides could be sorted in a handful of categories... beside the mentioned ones also "goes to/comes from depot", "short-term/unscheduled detour" (accidents, demonstrations, runners, etc.), "long-term/scheduled detour" (construction works) "towed" - on fotobus also "replacement service".

(If we're at language topic: also the rejection reasons of phozos should deserve translations, it's not always obvious, what the English versions supposed to mean...)
+1 / –0
Michal Isakov · Прага · 12.05.2024 11:33 MSK
Фото: 2890 · Администратор / Локальный редактор — Словакия, Чехия
Цитата (no-night, 11.05.2024):
> And adding "Test ride", "Special trip", "Training course" in local language - no matter, if in Hungarian, German, Russian, Ukrainian or anything else - is also not very helpful. It should rather go in description (when it's not obvious), where even more languages can be used.

It goes there because there can be multiple vehicles on multiple routes/situations, and description is one for the whole photo. But you have a point, it could be changed to some kind of flag/label that is translated to all website languages.

Цитата (bandrew, 12.05.2024):
> And the rules followed in every city of every country in this database? Hundreds of photos still uploaded today, complying with all rules (location, merge, route)? I do not think so...

It's not an excuse to break the rules. We correct what we notice where we notice.

Цитата (bandrew, 12.05.2024):
> Then about your nickname you can remove the Hungarian flag and Budapest. Don't confuse others.

It's about your current location. I'm not native Czech, but I live here and therefore the flag. Also, the website has no rules on putting any location here.
+1 / –0
bandrew · Мишкольц · 12.05.2024 10:21 MSK
Фото: 9 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Венгрия, Будапешт, Дебрецен, Мишкольц, Сегед
Quote (Арсений Денисов, 11.05.2024):
> Because of the rules.

And because of the rules you use Hungarian words whose meaning or usage you do not understand (végállomás (it's not the same as К/ст), szerelvény, állomás, útvonalat változtatott, etc.), and because of the rules do you transcribe correct words into incorrect words (Különjárat -> különjárát, etc.)...

> Because of the rules.

And the rules followed in every city of every country in this database? Hundreds of photos still uploaded today, complying with all rules (location, merge, route)? I do not think so...

> Because of the rules, and because you don't doing this.

It would be ready a long time ago, if you didn't rewrite the locations as nonsense every day.

> I'm not Hungarian. Why do you think I'm hungarian?

Then about your nickname you can remove the Hungarian flag and Budapest. Don't confuse others.

> I don't even know, what can I answer on this hysterical attack...

You write hysterical attacks about me to Michal Isakov. You've been hysterical since 2019...
+0 / –1
no-night · Будапешт · 12.05.2024 01:47 MSK
Фото: 7610 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Веминген, Мальмчёпинг, Скйолденсхолм / Перевод сайта (HU/DE)
Idézet (Michal Isakov, 11.05.2024):
> Test ride isn't compatible with route number, unless it's test operation in regular service. If it was only a test ride, route numbers should not be placed as it's misleading.

That's absolutely right! No matter, if it's a test ride or a photo trip, or a parade, or a museum, which is not bound to a specific line (like Arnhem or Skjoldenaesholm - but also many German cities' museums send their vehicles for a round trip, which has no line number) - but in every cases when numbers and destinations are only signalized as decoration, it shouldn't be shown.

Sure there are many examples, when an old tram runs on a scheduled line, like N2 and N19 in Budapest (or 42 in Praha, T in Warszawa, 0 in many other Polish cities, etc.) - then it has to be added. But 63 and 64 was abandoned even before I was born... so it's only a - very nice - decoration.

And adding "Test ride", "Special trip", "Training course" in local language - no matter, if in Hungarian, German, Russian, Ukrainian or anything else - is also not very helpful. It should rather go in description (when it's not obvious), where even more languages can be used.
+1 / –0
Michal Isakov · Прага · 11.05.2024 23:10 MSK
Фото: 2890 · Администратор / Локальный редактор — Словакия, Чехия
Test ride isn't compatible with route number, unless it's test operation in regular service. If it was only a test ride, route numbers should not be placed as it's misleading.
+4 / –0
Арсений Денисов · Будапешт · 11.05.2024 22:57 MSK
Фото: 195 · Корректор / Локальный редактор — Словакия, Пакш
Цитата (bandrew, 11.05.2024):
> And why do you corrected three times?

Because of the rules.

Цитата (bandrew, 11.05.2024):
> Why do you touch anything?

Because of the rules.

Цитата (bandrew, 11.05.2024):
> Why are you a corrector?

Because of my appointment in agreement with the site administration.

Цитата (bandrew, 11.05.2024):
> Why do you rename the locations to nonsense?

Because of the rules, and because you don't doing this.

Цитата (bandrew, 11.05.2024):
> Why are you Hungarian?

I'm not Hungarian. Why do you think I'm hungarian?

Цитата (bandrew, 11.05.2024):
> And what are you lying about me behind my back?

I don't even know, what can I answer on this hysterical attack...
+2 / –0
bandrew · Мишкольц · 11.05.2024 22:52 MSK
Фото: 9 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Венгрия, Будапешт, Дебрецен, Мишкольц, Сегед
Quote (Арсений Денисов, 11.05.2024):
Bandrew, why are you writing the route number on this and other photos from testrides 06.05.2024? This is just testride, vehicles were not in service. I corrected this already for three (!) times, but you are writing this again

And why do you corrected three times?
Why do you touch anything?
Why are you a corrector?
Why do you rename the locations to nonsense?
Why are you Hungarian?
And what are you lying about me behind my back?
+0 / –4
Арсений Денисов · Будапешт · 11.05.2024 22:23 MSK
Фото: 195 · Корректор / Локальный редактор — Словакия, Пакш
Bandrew, why are you writing the route number on this and other photos from testrides 06.05.2024? This is just testride, vehicles were not in service. I corrected this already for three (!) times, but you are writing this again...
+2 / –0
Юрий Боб · 06.05.2024 14:12 MSK
Фото: 1522
Круто (=
Двойная квадратная Татра в красивой схеме без рекламы, природа, и более ничего лишнего.

Поздравляю с победой в месячном конкурсе!
+2 / –0
Арсений Денисов · Будапешт · 01.05.2024 15:41 MSK
Фото: 195 · Корректор / Локальный редактор — Словакия, Пакш
Да, довольно живописная линия. Бывшая BHÉV.
+3 / –0
denver · Санкт-Петербург · 01.05.2024 09:27 MSK
Фото: 30
Это 41 маршрут !!! Накатался на нём от души. От остановки Budafoki elágazás до конечной Kamaraerdei Ifjúsági Park довольно изношенные пути со старыми шпалами, трамвай едет через частный сектор с речушками и болотцами. На конечной можно выйти, и пойти через парк - можно придти в музей монументов Memento Park - Statues from the Communist Dictatorship. Оттуда можно уехать на автобусе до ЖД узла Kelenföld, где куча всякого транспорта на выбор.
+5 / –0
Балаж · Будапешт · 30.04.2024 02:15 MSK
Фото: 78
In different stages of the reconstruction, the two sections were totally cut apart for some time and the siding tracks on the northern section were appointed as a temporary depot with extra reserve trainsets and depot maintenance personnel allocated to there. But most of the time at least one track out of the two was used provisionally, freed up for few hours a day to let the trains reach the depot at the southern terminus.
+1 / –0
Балаж · Будапешт · 30.04.2024 01:58 MSK
Фото: 78
1457 in the background
+2 / –0
Балаж · Будапешт · 30.04.2024 01:46 MSK
Фото: 78
Выглядит красиво, но стоит и заметить что-то другое. Во многих здесь было даже лучше до 2005 г., когда это живописное, но искусственное озерчик был создан в пользу нового жилого комплекса неподалеку.
До этого это была нетронутая заболоченная-камышовая местность, похожая на 20-ти маршрут в Одессе. Из окон UV-тки, цокающих по старым рельсам, можно было видеть только камышовую поляну. Ручей, протекающий здесь и продолжающийся вдоль 41-го трамвая, регулировался здешним болотистым камышом. С 2005 г. вода стала быстрее стекать вниз, и летом стали обычным явлением наводнения, неоднократно подмывавшие и трамвайные пути.
+11 / –0
Балаж · Будапешт · 30.04.2024 00:48 MSK
Фото: 78
+0 / –0
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