TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Komentarze do zdjęć z danego z danego miasta Halberstadt


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1173 R · Lipsk · 07.10.2020 23:27 MSK
Zdjęć: 4450 · Redaktor lokalny — Alexandria, Doha, Harbke, Kolkata, Lusail, Spiekeroog
Zitat (focus1965, 07.10.2020):
> Please, use the tool 'Marker is misplaced? Suggest right coordinates' on the map. I'll then also correct the name of the street. It was and is not so clear (for me) where both streets ends and or begins.
> But again, thank you for the compliment.

+0 / –0
1173 R · Lipsk · 07.10.2020 23:22 MSK
Zdjęć: 4450 · Redaktor lokalny — Alexandria, Doha, Harbke, Kolkata, Lusail, Spiekeroog
The loop was in operation. It was used by the one-way wagons with trailer wagons. The two-way cars that traveled individually mostly drove to the stump end.
+1 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpia · 07.10.2020 23:22 MSK
Zdjęć: 7665 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania / Tłumaczenie strony (EN/FR)
Please, use the tool 'Marker is misplaced? Suggest right coordinates' on the map. I'll then also correct the name of the street. It was and is not so clear (for me) where both streets ends and or begins.
But again, thank you for the compliment.
+0 / –0
1173 R · Lipsk · 07.10.2020 23:15 MSK
Zdjęć: 4450 · Redaktor lokalny — Alexandria, Doha, Harbke, Kolkata, Lusail, Spiekeroog
Zitat (Yury LRTA, 04.10.2020):
> It is not shown on the 11.1971 system map either. And the 3-point Voigtei terminal is located a bit further down the line. Since there is a square behind the photographer, I am guessing these are remains of a former passing point, which existed here when the network was more diverse.

The location of the photo is incorrect. The photo was taken at the corner of Gröperstrasse, not at Düsterngraben. On this picture:
you can clearly see the current view of the location. The houses were modernized.
The line to Voigtei was rebuilt in 1991, so the cut track can be seen in the foreground.
Thanks for this great photo!
+1 / –0
Сергей Мурашов · Sankt Petersburg · 05.10.2020 10:13 MSK
Zdjęć: 2385
Цитата (Евгений Лысый, 05.10.2020):
> В СССР пересечение трамвайных и троллейбусных линий и ж.д. магистралей было запрещено.

Если ж/д электрифицирована. А так всю жизнь ездил на троллейбусе на работу через переезд. Когда эту ж/д ветку электрифицировали, троллейбус действительно отменили. И на сайте куча фотографий с пересечениями трамвайных и ж/д путей.
+1 / –0
Vladlen99 · Odessa · 05.10.2020 06:25 MSK
Zdjęć: 39 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Odessa
А как местные жители относятся к такой работе общественного транспорта? И есть ли система мониторинга? Автобусы хоть нормально ходят?
+0 / –0
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 05.10.2020 02:16 MSK
Zdjęć: 18087 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
Цитата (BaronRojo, 04.10.2020):
> Цитата (одесса, 04.10.2020):
> > А говорят в Европе и Германии всё хорошо, всё ездит минута в минуту и везде порядок. А на деле всё как у нас.
> Это всё же скорее исключение. Обычнов Германии даже в маленьких по нашим меркам городах со 100 000 жителей расписание более-менее выполняется. И в отличие от, например, Одессы, оно просто существует)

Подтверждаю. Хальберштадт в этом плане - огромное исключение. Именно поэтому данный момент кажется на столько контрастным.
+2 / –0
Евгений Лысый · 05.10.2020 01:18 MSK
Zdjęć: 66
In the USSR crossing of tram and trolleybus lines and main railroad lines was prohibited. In my hometown in 1986 an overpass over a railroad had to be build to conduct tram to an outskirt. That railroad is single-track, 38-km long; train run there a few times a day. ///// В СССР пересечение трамвайных и троллейбусных линий и ж.д. магистралей было запрещено. В нашем городе, чтобы провести трамвай на окраину, в 1986 пришлось построить путепровод через ЖД. Та ЖД однопутная, длиной 38 км; за день по ней проходят несколько поездов.
+1 / –1
focus1965 · Antwerpia · 04.10.2020 23:38 MSK
Zdjęć: 7665 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania / Tłumaczenie strony (EN/FR)
One main line on 2 different places (see map).
+0 / –0
Евгений Лысый · 04.10.2020 23:28 MSK
Zdjęć: 66
Цитата (Yury LRTA, 03.10.2020):

> ситуация усугублялась наличием двух активных трамвайно-железнодорожных переездов ///// situation was exacerbated by the presence of two very active tram-railroad crossings

Что за ЖД, с которой или которыми пересекается трамвай: магистрали, или подъездные ветки? ///// What are those RR tram crosses with: main lines, or switching lines?
+0 / –0
BaronRojo · Odessa · 04.10.2020 20:04 MSK
Zdjęć: 6
Цитата (одесса, 04.10.2020):
> А говорят в Европе и Германии всё хорошо, всё ездит минута в минуту и везде порядок. А на деле всё как у нас.

Это всё же скорее исключение. Обычнов Германии даже в маленьких по нашим меркам городах со 100 000 жителей расписание более-менее выполняется. И в отличие от, например, Одессы, оно просто существует)
+2 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpia · 04.10.2020 16:27 MSK
Zdjęć: 7665 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania / Tłumaczenie strony (EN/FR)
During my last visit (apparently in 2017) I had to search quite a long time before I saw someone: the workshop was completely deserted except for one or two men.
I asked that person if the director was present: he was there, walked to his office and had a chat there.
I was allowed to photograph everything, with the exception of a tram covered with graffiti. However, hardly anyone was there so it was impossible to have trams moved.
+2 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpia · 04.10.2020 16:19 MSK
Zdjęć: 7665 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania / Tłumaczenie strony (EN/FR)
Quote (Yury LRTA, 04.10.2020):
> I wonder how many generations pass until the difference finally evaoporates...

Never. Cultural difference... I see it in my own country too.
On the other hand: until now Halberstadt is the only city where I was always welcome in the depot, up to the director's office (and given the time frame, always other people) and where I have always been able to photograph undisturbed (in the tram depot).
The city is depressing, but for the hobby almost always a highlight... Moreover, with no contrary staff: I don't remember ever seeing a middle finger in my direction.
+3 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpia · 04.10.2020 16:09 MSK
Zdjęć: 7665 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania / Tłumaczenie strony (EN/FR)
Thank you. I try to avoid mistakes, but I cannot exclude them.
+1 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpia · 04.10.2020 16:07 MSK
Zdjęć: 7665 · Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor lokalny — Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania / Tłumaczenie strony (EN/FR)
This map shows an interesting detail. Someone from the Netherlands, who collects tickets, has made an interesting study about this.
The older tickets (in Germany, but also elsewhere) showed a scheme of the line in question, where (almost) all stops were indicated. So the conductor simply had to tick where they had boarded and where they wanted to get off.
The map clearly shows the barracks (even with name) and there is a good chance that a nearby stop had the same name. Due to the threat of war, all barracks suddenly disappeared from all maps... and tickets: they were renamed. This happened several times (according to that study): the stop could first be given a 'beautiful' name (peace), or the name of a known (usually revolutionary) person, and later be renamed to something else, ranging from 'football' to the name of a nearby street. This process could happen in any direction - and has happened, mostly before, during and after the war.
History repeats itself: on Google maps, barracks are now also being blurred...
+3 / –0
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 04.10.2020 16:05 MSK
Zdjęć: 18087 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
Цитата (focus1965, 03.10.2020):
> But that is where it ends. I was there last year with my wife, she found it awful

Unfortunately, my impression of the city itself was very similar. In terms of local attitudes, awful service (hotel and restaurants), reception by the locals and in many cases appearances of the city outside of the main streets - it was somewhat like back into 1989 again.

True, the city is critically depressed economically these days, with people leaving and many buildings and apartment abandoned. Those who remain thus turn bitter.

However, remember the fact that Halberstadt was the westernmost city in the DDR, right near the border with the West. It is interesting and shocking at the same time to see how 30 years (!) after the fall of the borer between the East and the West, social economics still change with a few kilometers traveled, and people's attitudes drastically change with them. A 15 minute ride from Halberstadt to the neighboring town in the former Western Germany territory - and the world around you changes completely.

I wonder how many generations pass until the difference finally evaoporates...
+3 / –1
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 04.10.2020 15:51 MSK
Zdjęć: 18087 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
> I asked if the trams that were inside could not be driven a bit forward. The result was exactly what I had hoped for.

These were clearly the golden years - when the Eastern systems were still opening up, and visitors with genuine interest were truly appreciated by the locals. Guest reception stories like that were common for many cities in the former Eastern bloc at the time.

During the 2008 visit to the Halberstadt depot I've still gotten a welcoming reception. I was shown around the depot and could photograph anything I wanted, while conversing with the staff who explained everything about the system.

Upon my 2019 visit I was 'greeted' by an employee who basically barked at me. He called for an operations manager on duty who proceeded to be all suspicious and practically barked out orders as well. Both characters looked straight out of 1989. We settled on me quickly taking photos from outside the barn, but into the barn itself, as the gates were open. I was given 2 minutes, and then had to leave. Moreover, some other employees attempted to talk to me an welcome me inside the barn, but the manager barked at them too, so they stopped. And all of the above after I introduced myself not just as a fan, but as a co-worker from the other transit system.

Frankly, this was one of the worst receptions I've gotten anywhere in the world. Reminiscent perhaps of the latest events in the Russian cities, behind the newly established 'curtain', where people are told to hate the West via local propaganda, and local transit companies now look at every visitor with suspicion.
+0 / –0
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 04.10.2020 15:23 MSK
Zdjęć: 18087 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
A truly unique photo illustrative of how Halberstadt looked toward the end of the DDRs existence. The photo is shot in the city center. These days photos like this are on display at local museums. Many famous old timber buildings in the city looked like that at the time.

I am curious where the cut off track continuing straight into Johannesbrunnen used to lead. It does not match any lines that previously existed in Halberstadt, see the old map:
It is not shown on the 11.1971 system map either. And the 3-point Voigtei terminal is located a bit further down the line. Since there is a square behind the photographer, I am guessing these are remains of a former passing point, which existed here when the network was more diverse.
+1 / –0
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 04.10.2020 15:13 MSK
Zdjęć: 18087 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
Extra points for railroad rolling stock type )
+1 / –0
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 04.10.2020 15:12 MSK
Zdjęć: 18087 · Moderator materiałów nieautorskich / Moderator zdjęć / Redaktor ogólny / Redaktor wiadomości / Tłumaczenie strony (EN)
Esslingen GT4 tram on the Klusberge branch - a truly unique photo. I wonder if it could be replicated these days. Trams only operate here on weekends, and I am guessing weekend rolling stock requirements do not call for Esslingen GT4 use. That is if trams are operated on weekends in Halberstadt at all...
+1 / –0